Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

<  October 2015  >

02.10.2015 13:45 - 02.10.2015 14:00
GFI East Wing Auditorium

“Chaotic atmospheric systems. Response theory and methods for constructing response operators”.

On Friday October 2, at 13:15-14:00 (!! Note time!!), Andrey Gritsun (Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow) will give a talk about “Chaotic atmospheric systems. Response theory and methods for constructing response operators”. Andrey is guest of Igor Esau.

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05.10.2015 11:15 - 05.10.2015 12:00
GFI East WIng Auditorium

"Decadal-scale trends and experience in outreach"

Following up a number of BCCR/UoB seminars dedicated to improving science communication,
next Monday at 11.15, professor Helge Drange (GFI, UoB) will share his experience with media and outreach.

Who: professor Helge Drange (GFI, UoB). "Decadal-scale trends and experience in outreach".

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07.10.2015 14:00 - 07.10.2015 14:45
Nansen Center lecture room on the ground floor

NERSC seminar: Passive microwave measurements of sea ice

Seminar title: Passive microwave measurements of sea ice
Speaker: Leif Toudal Pedersen
Affiliation: Danish Meteorological Institute

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07.10.2015 15:00 - 07.10.2015 16:00
Realfagbygget. Palstrat. Salen, 2. floor Dept. of Earth science

International Quaternary Webinar: Quaternary history of North Sea

Welcome to this week’s International Quaternary Webinar!

Who: Benedict Reinardy, University of Bergen

What: Quaternary history of North Sea

Where: Palstrat. Salen, 2. floor Dept. of Earth science

When: 15:00 (sharp!) - 16:00 on the 7th of October

Meeting ID: 30773230
Meeting URL: https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/9b328a17/30773230

Recommended reading:

Dowdeswell, J.A., Ottesen, D. 2013. Buried iceberg ploughmarks in the

early Quaternary sediments of the central North Sea: A two-million year

record of glacial influence from 3D seismic data. Marine Geology 344, 1-9.

Ottesen, D., Dowdeswell, J.A., Bugge, T., 2014. Morphology, sedimentary

infill and depositional environments of the Early Quaternary North Sea

Basin (56°-62°N). Marine and Petroleum Geology 56, 123-146.

08.10.2015 11:00 - 08.10.2015 12:00
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC , Thormøhlensgt 47

NERSC-seminar: Climate prediction for climate services

Speaker: Francisco Doblas-Reyes
Affiliation: ICREA Research Professor at IC3 Institut Català de Ciències del Clima and Barcelona Super Computer.

Climate services are rapidly developing around the existing climate knowledge and data (reanalysis, CORDEX, CMIP5, Copernicus, etc), taking advantage of the evolution of climate research in the last 20 years. However, climate services are also starting to shape the way climate research is organized and funded. This talk will illustrate how climate prediction is evolving to satisfy some of the most pressing climate services requirements, while it uncovers some scientific problems that require support to make progress in basic research. The talk will use results from state-of-the-art seasonal and decadal predictions for the tropical, mid-latitude and polar regions

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09.10.2015 00:00 - 29.10.2015 16:00
Geophysical Institute, UiB, Allegaten 70

Art exhibition: Shifting

Shifting - an intervention at the Geophysical Institute and the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research:
Katrin von Lehmann spent March and April 2014 at the Geophysical institute. Leading several interviews with scientists here, she got to know the scientists and their work on climate phenomena. During the evolving discussion some of the scientists went spontaneously to the blackboard explaining their work using chalk to make drawings. The artist was astonished at the application of this obsolete medium instead of digital visualisation in times when our daily life is highly based on technology. Subsequently, Katrin von Lehmann took her starting point in photographs of these blackboard drawings. During her working process she manipulated these photographs by placing herself in a field of tension between systematic approach and intuitive decision making.

The outcome of this is 4 series of work entitled Blackboard Drawings #1 to #4 which are brought back to be shown at the institute

12.10.2015 11:15 - 12.10.2015 12:00
GFI east wing auditorium

Observed and Simulated Linkage between Ural blocking and East Asian winter climate

Who: Hoffman Cheung (University of Hong Kong, China). Observed and Simulated Linkage between Ural blocking and East Asian winter climate. Hoffman Cheung is a guest of Noel.
When: Mon Oct 12 (11:15)
Where: GFI east wing auditorium

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13.10.2015 11:15 - 13.10.2015 12:00
GFI east wing auditorium

Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO) indistinguishable from white noise

Who: Malte Stucker (University of Hawaii). Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation (TBO) indistinguishable from white noise. Malte Stucker is a guest of Mathew
When: Tue Oct 13 (11:15)
Where: GFI east wing auditorium

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13.10.2015 16:30 - 13.10.2015 19:00
Litteraturhuset i Bergen, Østre Skostredet 5

Pole to Paris - med sykkel og joggesko for klimaet

On October 13. Erlend Moster Knudsen is finishing his two month run from Tromsø to Bergen.
He will be running into town this day, and will finish with an event with talks at Litteraturhuset.

We are cooperating with the union Tekna on this event, where Erlend will talk first, followed by Lars Henrik Paarup Michelsen at Klimastiftelsen and from us, Stephanie Mayer and Linling Chen. Stephanie and Linling will present the same talk as at the Bjerknes Day this week.

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14.10.2015 11:15 - 14.10.2015 12:00
Foredragssalen, GFI, Allegaten 70

Global ocean warming: using data and climate models to improve our understanding

Who: Peter Gleckler (PCMDI, LLNL, California). Global ocean warming: using data and climate models to improve our understanding. Peter Gleckler is a guest of Detelina.
When: Wed Oct14 (11:15)
Where: OBS! Foredragssalen

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14.10.2015 15:00 - 14.10.2015 16:00
Palstrat. Salen, 2. floor Dept. of Earth science

International Quaternary Webinar: Mountain glaciation during MIS4/MIS3 based on cosmogenic dating

Who: Jakob Heyman, University of Gothenburg
What: Mountain glaciation during MIS4/MIS3 based on cosmogenic dating
Where: Palstrat. Salen, 2. floor Dept. of Earth science

When: 15:00 (sharp!) - 16:00 on the 14th of October

Meeting ID: 30850470
Meeting URL: https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/9b328a17/30850470

Recommended reading:
Rother et al. (2014): Surface exposure dating reveals MIS-3 glacial maximum in the Khangai Mountains of Mongolia. Quaternary Research.

Schaefer, J. M., et al. (2015). The Southern Glacial Maximum 65,000 years ago and its Unfinished Termination. Quaternary Science Reviews 114: 52-60.

19.10.2015 11:15 - 19.10.2015 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

The Maritime Continent and its role on the MJO simulation in ECHAM5-SIT

Wan-Ling Tseng (Research Centre for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica) will give a talk With the title
"The Maritime Continent and its role on the MJO simulation in ECHAM5-SIT". Wan-Ling Tseng is a guest of Noel Keenlyside.

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21.10.2015 14:15 - 21.10.2015 15:00
GFI east wing auditorium.

Observation of the large-scale overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean

Jean Baptiste Sallee (L'OCEAN) is a guest of Elin Darelius and will talk about "Observation of the large-scale overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean"

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21.10.2015 15:00 - 21.10.2015 16:00
Pal.Stat salen, 2 floor Earth science Department

International Quaternary Webinar: Could massive Arctic sea ice export to the North Atlantic be the real cause of abrupt climate change during the last deglaciation?

Please join us Wednesday afternoon for the International Quaternary Webinar. Let`s keep in touch and take part in active discussions with our colleagues at UMASS and Gothenburg. Please take your time to participate!

Where: Pal.Stat salen, 2 floor Earth science Department
When: Wednesday the 21 of October, 15:00 - 16:00
Who: Anthony Coletti, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
What: Could massive Arctic sea ice export to the North Atlantic be the real cause of abrupt climate change during the last deglaciation?

Meeting ID 30904526
Meeting URL: https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/9b328a17/30904526
You can find international access numbers at: https://www.fuze.com/extras/symphony
Toll Free # +18553463893
Toll Number +12014794595

26.10.2015 10:30 - 26.10.2015 11:00
Nansen Center lecture room on the ground floor

NERSC Seminar: WMO and its Global Framework for Climate Services

Abstract will follow.


Seminar title: WMO and its Global Framework for Climate Services

Speaker: Anna Christina Mikalsen
Affiliation: NERSC

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28.10.2015 15:00
Pal. Strat. Salen , Institutt for geovitenskap, Realfagbygget

International Quaternary Webinar:Tephra Chronology Around the North Atlantic

Please join us Wednesday the 28 of October at 15:00 in Pal. Strat. Salen for the International Quaternary Webinar: Tephra Chronology Around the North Atlantic

Speaker: Dr. Haflidi Haflidason
Institution: University of Bergen
Title: Tephra Chronology Around the North Atlantic

Meeting ID 30993018
Meeting URL: https://www.fuzemeeting.com/fuze/9b328a17/30993018
You can find international access numbers at: https://www.fuze.com/extras/symphony
Toll Free # +18553463893
Toll Number +12014794595

All welcome to this exciting talk by Haflidi!

29.10.2015 12:30 - 29.10.2015 13:30
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC, Thorsmøhlensgate 47

NERSC seminar: WIGWAM Reverberation Revisited

Brian Dushaw


Operation WIGWAM was a test of a 30 kt nuclear depth charge conducted in deep water 500 miles southwest of San Diego on 14 May 1955. Its primary purpose was to determine the effectiveness of that device as an antisubmarine weapon. The acoustic pulse from the test, initially an intense shockwave, radiated throughout
the North and South Pacific Oceans.

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