Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

<  November 2022  >

04.11.2022 09:30 - 04.11.2022 10:30
Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020)

Special seminar: “Modelling global seascapes: Bringing life into global biogeochemical models?”

Name of speaker: Marion Gehlen (IPSL/LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette, France). Please find abstract via link.

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07.11.2022 14:15 - 07.11.2022 15:00
Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020)

BCCR cross-theme seminar on “Deep water formation”.

Next Monday, 7th November at 14:15pm will be a BCCR cross-theme seminar on “Deep water formation”.

The seminar will take place in the Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020) – in addition, there will be the possibility to join on zoom.

The cross-theme seminar will feature three separate talks:

  1. Anna-Maria Strehl: A 70-year perspective on deep-water formation in the Greenland Sea
  2. Helene Asbjørnsen: Observed and simulated changes in the Gulf Stream system – past, present, future
  3. Xabier Davila: Deep water formation and the formation of the ocean anthropogenic carbon reservoir


07.11.2022 15:00 - 07.11.2022 16:00
Palstrat. Salen, 3 floor, Realfagsbygget or online using the link below

International Quaternary Webinar

International Quaternary Webinar will be given by Hans Petter Sjerup who will talk about “The last deglaciation of the Eurasian Ice sheet: a view from the ocean” in Realfagbygget Pal.strat.kurssal (Room 2D12C) on Wednesday 9th at 15:00.

On Monday 7th at 15:00 CET, there is a Journal Club meeting on Zoom to discuss a paper suggested by the speaker that is also open to everyone. The details for both the Journal Club discussions and a Zoom link for the seminar are on the Quaternary Webinar webpage.



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10.11.2022 00:00 - 10.11.2022 14:30
Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020)

Global Climate theme meeting

The next meeting of the global theme will be on Thursday, Nov 10, from 12-14:30

16.11.2022 09:45 - 11.12.2022 13:45

Klimathon 2022

Klimathon er et arrangement der vi jobber på tvers av fag, sektor og geografi for å løse utfordringer knyttet til klimatilpasning i Norge. Vi inviterer deg som jobber med klimatilpasning i kommunen, fylkeskommunen, andre offentlige etater, forsking, næringsliv og frivillige organisasjoner til å bli med på to dager med gruppediskusjoner, idéutveksling, faglig påfyll og nye bekjentskap fra hele landet!

Følg lenken for mer informasjon om arrangementet og påmelding.

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16.11.2022 15:00 - 16.11.2022 16:00
Palstrat. Salen, 3 floor, Realfagsbygget or online

International Quaternary Webinar “Climate and environmental changes in the Polar Urals over the last 70,000 years”

The next International Quaternary Webinar will be given by John Inge Svendsen who will talk about “Climate and environmental changes in the Polar Urals over the last 70,000 years” in Realfagbygget Pal.strat.kurssal (Room 2D12C) on Wednesday 16th at 15:00.

On Monday 14th at 15:00 CET, there is a Journal Club meeting on Zoom to discuss a paper suggested by the speaker that is also open to everyone. The details for both the Journal Club discussions and a Zoom link for the seminar are on the Quaternary Webinar webpage.


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18.11.2022 10:15 - 18.11.2022 12:00
Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020)

Disputas: Marvin Kähnert

MSc Marvin Kähnert disputerer for ph.d.-graden fredag 18. november kl. 10.15 med avhandlingen:

“Advancing the capabilities of numerical weather prediction - On the utility of individual tendency output”



Professor Gunilla Svensson, Stockholm University

Førsteamanuensis Gerard Johannes Steeneveld, Wageningen University


Leder av komiteen

Professor Thomas Spengler, GFI






Professor Harald Sodemann, GFI

Førsteamanuensis Marius Jonassen, UNIS


Tid og sted

Fredag 18. november kl. 10.15, Undervisningsrom 4020 på Bjerknessenteret.

Disputasen er også mulig å følge digitalt via Zoom.


21.11.2022 14:15 - 21.11.2022 15:00
Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020)

Seminar talk: Current Knowledge on soil organic carbon storage and dynamics

Name of speaker: Umakant Mishra. Affiliation Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, USA

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23.11.2022 10:00 - 23.11.2022 12:00
Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020)

Hazards theme meeting

Dear all,


We will have a Hazards theme meeting on 23rd November, 10am to 12pm, in the Bjerknes meeting room 4020.

The agenda is as follows:

- Information from the leader group

- 2-3 scientific presentations

- Discussion on future plans for Hazards theme

Coffee and boller will be served.



28.11.2022 14:15 - 28.11.2022 15:00
Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020)

Seminar talk:Towards an improved treatment of cloud-radiation interaction in weather and climate models

Name of speaker: Nina Črnivec.

Affiliation: Columbia University, NASA GISS


Please find abstract and bio via link.

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30.11.2022 15:00 - 30.11.2022 16:00
Palstrat. Salen, 3 floor, Realfagsbygget or online

International Quaternary Webinar: “Arctic glaciers and ice caps through the Holocene: a circumpolar synthesis of lake sediment-based reconstructions”

November 30th: Laura Larocca, University of Northern Arizona, USA

“Arctic glaciers and ice caps through the Holocene: a circumpolar synthesis of lake sediment-based reconstructions”

Larocca and Axford, 2022

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