Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Ingunn Skjelvan

I am a senior researcher in the field of chemical oceanography, and my main research activities are connected to the coupled influence of physical, chemical, and biological processes on the marine carbon cycle, with special emphasis on carbon pumps and anthropogenic influences like ocean acidification. My primary tools for addressing these topics are time series data from fixed stations and measurements from voluntary observing ships (VOS), and from this I have gained  extensive experience in instrumentation for both discrete and autonomous measurements.

My research has primary been focussed on the open and coastal Nordic Seas, but I have also been involved in one of the Iron Fertilization Experiments in the Southern Ocean. Over the last decade the Red Sea marine carbon cycle has been on my agenda. I am PI for the biogeochemistry program at the fixed station Ocean Weather Station M (OWS M) in the Norwegian Sea, as well as PI for the VOS line G.O. Sars, which is one of the marine lines in the infrastructure project ICOS-Norway. Further, I am PI for the international ICOS network for Fixed Stations  in Europe and I'm also heavily involved in the station labelling process, quality control, and outreach activity performed by Ocean Thematic Centre (OTC) which is the marine central facility of ICOS. Over the years I have been involved in a variety of outreach activities, e.g. popular science courses for primary schools, research cruises for high school students, and oral and written media contribution.



Havforsuring av norske farvann

ICOS - Norway / OTC

Forsker II / Researcher II

NORCE Klima / NORCE Climate

Jahnebakken 5, 5007 BERGEN

Profile picture for user Ingunn Skjelvan

E-mail: insk@norceresearch.no

Phone: 56 10 75 53