Jan Even Øie Nilsen
Dr. Jan Even Øie Nilsen is a physical oceanographer whose research concerns climatic processes in the Atlantic, Nordic, and Arctic Seas, including sea level rise. He has been working as a research scientist at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC) since May 2002.
Nilsen is the project leader of BCCR's project on "NoRthern European and Arctic Sea lEvel" (iNcREASE). Earlier Nilsen was the project leader of the project "Changes in the past, present, and future sea level on the coast of Norway" funded by the City of Bergen (2009-2012), and the project leader for "Sea level change and ice sheet dynamics" (SEALEV) at the Centre for climate dynamics (SKD) at the Bjerknes Centre. Nilsen is currently participating in providing the official projections of 21st century sea level changes for Norway.
Nilsen is co-PI for the European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA) collaborative programme on sea level and climate change.
Nilsen received his dr.scient. degree in physical oceanography, on the Atlantic Water flow through the Norwegian Sea, from the Geophysical Institute (GFI), University of Bergen, in 2003.
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Senioringeniør / Senior Engineer
Havforskningsinstituttet / Institute of Marine Research
Nordnesgaten 50, 5005 Bergen
E-mail: jan.even.oeie.nilsen@hi.no
Phone: 95 29 33 29