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<  January 2016  >

04.01.2016 11:15 - 04.01.2016 12:00
Foredragssalen, GFI

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Modelling Subglacial Hydrology for Ice Dynamics Purpose, Why, What and How

We start the new semester with a seminar on January 4 at 11.15 in *Foredragssalen* (NOTE the place!).Basile de Fleurian (Post Doc, UiB) will present "Modelling Subglacial Hydrology for Ice Dynamics Purpose, Why, What and How"

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07.01.2016 11:15 - 07.01.2016 11:45
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC

NERSC seminar: Revisiting the assimilation cycle in NorCPM

Revisiting the assimilation cycle in NorCPM
Speaker: Sebastien Billeau, Affiliation: Ecole des Mines Paris; NERSC; UiB

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14.01.2016 09:15 - 14.01.2016 10:00
GFI East wing auditorium

Guest lecture: "Coupling between clouds and dynamics in the extratropical circulation"

David WJ Thompson, Colorado State University, is visiting Bergen and will give a lecture on “Coupling between clouds and dynamics in the extratropical circulation”. The lecture will be in the east wing auditorium (Jahnebakken 3), Thursday 14 January, 0915-1000.

18.01.2016 11:15 - 18.01.2016 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI seminar: "Past glacier variability in western Himalaya – Fieldwork report and preliminary results from the GLACINDIA project".

Kristian Vasskog (GEO) will be presenting "Past glacier variability in western Himalaya – Fieldwork report and preliminary results from the GLACINDIA project".

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19.01.2016 14:15 - 19.01.2016 15:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI seminar: "Two-timescale response of the Antarctic ocean and sea ice to ozone depletion".

On Tuesday at 14.15, David Ferreira will present "Two-timescale response of the Antarctic ocean and sea ice to ozone depletion".

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25.01.2016 11:15 - 25.01.2016 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI seminar: Drift in the uppermost part of the ocean

Johannes Röhrs from the MET office here in Bergen will present "Drift in the uppermost part of the ocean". As usual, the talk will take place in the East Wing Auditorium.

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26.01.2016 11:15 - 26.01.2016 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI seminar: Scientific animation as a communication tool: how animated film can help researchers disseminate their work

Pina Kingman will present "Scientific animation as a communication tool: how animated film can help researchers disseminate their work". Pina is an award-winning animator and filmmaker, and a guest of Nadine.

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27.01.2016 12:15 - 27.01.2016 13:00
hD lunch room at GEO (third floor, room 3153A)

BCCR/GFI seminar: Liquid vapour homogenisation of fluid inclusions in stalagmites: A new thermometer for palaeoclimate research

At GEO, on Wednesday at 12:15, Dr. Yves Krüger (Bern, Switzerland) will have a talked titled "Liquid vapour homogenisation of fluid
inclusions in stalagmites: A new thermometer for palaeoclimate research". This talk will take place in the PhD lunch room at GEO (third
floor, room 3153A). Yves is a guest of Nele.