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<  March 2016  >

01.03.2016 12:15 - 01.03.2016 13:00
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC

NERSC Seminar: Overview of the GCR group and presentation of the NERSC Special report “Climatology of the high latitudes”

Overview of the GCR group and presentation of the NERSC Special report “Climatology of the high latitudes”. Speaker: Igor Esau . Seminar Date: 1. March 2016 - 12:15 - 13:00

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01.03.2016 14:00 - 01.03.2016 14:45
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC

NERSC Seminar: Changes in the Arctic cloudiness

Speaker: Dr. Alexander Chernokulsky. Affiliation: Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Moscow Part of the special event group day of the GC Rieber Climate Institute and “Climate Processes” Group at NERSC.

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02.03.2016 13:15 - 02.03.2016 14:00
Foredragssalen, GFI

BCCR/GFI Seminar: "Southern Ocean as a constrain to reduce uncertainty in future ocean carbon sinks".

Speaker: Augustin Kessler. Title: "Southern Ocean as a constrain to reduce uncertainty in future ocean carbon sinks". Place: Foredragssalen, GFI.

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03.03.2016 11:30 - 03.03.2016 12:00
Cinema, Ground Floor, NERSC

Nersc Seminar: All Quiet on the Arctic Front?

All Quiet on the Arctic Front? Speaker: Jenny Ullgren

Location: Cinema, Ground Floor, NERSC

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07.03.2016 11:15 - 07.03.2016 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Tech-fix, plan B or messing with nature? A linguistic framing analysis of a geoengineering experiment

Trine Dahl (NHH) will give a talk with the title "Tech-fix, plan B or messing with nature? A linguistic framing analysis of a geoengineering experiment".

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14.03.2016 11:15 - 14.03.2016 12:00
GFI East Wing Auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: "Coupled ocean/atmosphere offshore decay scale of cold SST signals along upwelling eastern boundaries".

On Monday March 14th, Mike Spall will give a talk: "Coupled ocean/atmosphere offshore decay scale of cold SST signals along upwelling eastern boundaries". Mike is a Senior Scientist at WHOI and a guest of Tor.

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17.03.2016 14:15 - 17.03.2016 15:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: "Regional dependence in Arctic sea ice variability".

On Thursday March 17th, Sally Close from LOCEAN-IPSL will give a talk: "Regional dependence in Arctic sea ice variability". Sally is a Bjerknes fellow visiting Ingrid, Lars Henrik and Tor.

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18.03.2016 14:00 - 18.03.2016 15:00
Lecture room, Ground Floor

NERSC Seminar: The Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation: Bifurcations, Simulations and Observations

The Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation: Bifurcations, Simulations and Observations.Speaker: Michael Ghil.Affiliation: Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, and University of California, Los Angeles.

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