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<  April 2015  >

29.04.2015 09:15
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29.04.2015 09:45

Test 3


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29.04.2015 13:00 - 29.04.2015 14:00
Auditorium East Wing, GFI

Zbig Sorbian - "Scaling systems and similarity functions ?in the stably stratified turbulent flows"

Zbig Sorbian is a guest of Joachim Reuder Abstract During the talk the gradient-based similarity theory for stably stratified shear flows will be discussed. Gradient-based similarity scales will be classified into two categories, referred to as explicit and implicit. The explicit scaling employs the length scale as a specified function of height above the underlying surface. Within the implicit type, the mixing length is locally related to various moments of turbulence. The form of the gradient-based similarity functions, for the considered scaling systems, can be obtained by the renormalization of explicit-type expressions. Similarity functions of the Richardson number Ri for the dissipation-type scaling will be derived and compared with the data obtained during the SHEBA experiment in the Arctic atmospheric surface layer. Since the implicit approach is not directly dependent on height, thus it can be applied in the entire stable boundary layer, but also in subcritical turbulent flows in the upper atmosphere, in lakes, and in oceans.

30.04.2015 12:15 - 30.04.2015 13:00
Foredragssalen, GFI

Cindy Bruyère - Engineering for Climate Extremes

Engineering for Climate Extremes Cindy Bruyère National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, USA ABSTRACT We know that all systems will fail at some point or some level. We therefore propose climate change as a component of the engineering process, thereby incorporating the potential for failure as a key component of the engineering design, community planning, and the associated research and development. This is a fundamental component of the ECEP, an interdisciplinary partnership bringing together scientific, engineering, cultural, business and government expertise to develop robust, well-communicated predictions and advice on the impacts of weather and climate extremes in support of decision-making. A feature of the partnership is the manner in which basic and applied research and development is conducted in direct collaboration with the end user. Her experiences from this work are very relevant for our Hordaklim project, which is a collaboration project with Hordaland fylkeskommune (county): Cindy Buyère is a guest of Erik Kolstad