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<  June 2016  >

02.06.2016 11:15
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: "The Role of Aerosol and Greenhouse Gas Forcing in CMIP5 Models: Impacts on Asian Monsoon and Atlantic Hurricane Intensity"

Mingfang Ting (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University) will talk about "The Role of Aerosol and Greenhouse Gas Forcing in CMIP5 Models: Impacts on Asian Monsoon and Atlantic Hurricane Intensity". Mingfang is a guest of Noel and member of Lea's defense committee.

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03.06.2016 10:15
Nancen Centre, Lecture room

Disputas - Lea Svendsen : "Impacts of Atlantic multi-decadal variability on the Indo-Pacific and Northern Hemisphere climate"

MSc. LEA SVENDSEN disputerer for ph.d.-graden: Avhandlingens tittel: "Impacts of Atlantic multi-decadal variability on the Indo-Pacific and Northern Hemisphere climate" Opponent: Professor, ph.d. Mingfang Ting, Columbia University, USA, Opponent: Professor, ph.d. Axel Timmermann, University of Hawaii, USA,
Øvrig medlem i komiteen: Professor, dr.scient. Tor Eldevik, Geofysisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, Leder av disputasen: Førsteamanuensis Jan Asle Olseth, Universitetet i Bergen. Adgang for interesserte tilhørere. Velkommen til lokalet i god tid før disputasen!

06.06.2016 11:15 - 06.06.2016 12:00
GFI East Wing Auditorium

BCR/GFI seminar: "Maintenance of Baroclinicity in the Atlantic Storm Track (and its Relation to the Sea Surface Temperature Gradient along the Gulf Stream)"

Thomas Spengler (GFI) will talk about "Maintenance of Baroclinicity in the Atlantic Storm Track (and its Relation to the Sea Surface Temperature Gradient along the Gulf Stream)"

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15.06.2016 14:15
Auditorium in Nygårdsporten

BCCR Seminar: The exchanges across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge in a climate change perspective

In June, Bogi Hansen will be visiting BCCR through the visiting fellow program, as a guest of Svein Østerhus. He will give a seminar Wednesday 15 June at 1415 in the Auditorium in Nygårdsporten. The title of the seminar is: "The exchanges across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge in a climate change perspective”.

15.06.2016 15:30 - 15.06.2016 16:30
Cinema, Ground Floor, NERSC

NERSC Seminar: "Calibration and performance of the GlobCurrent combined current using triple collocation"

Title: Calibration and performance of the GlobCurrent combined current using triple collocation. Speaker: Rick Danielson. As compared to the analysis of many common geophysical variables, the ocean surface current is a relatively new and unfamiliar challenge. A number of initiatives seek to improve the exploitation of satellite observations and provide more accurate historical and near real time information. In parallel, a synopsis of the performance of retrievals and analyses, based on the method called triple collocation, is also available following Stoffelen (1998) and McColl et al. (2014).

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17.06.2016 12:15
Auditorium 5, Realfagbygget, Allegt. 41

Disputas: Marthe Gjerde: "Holocene variations in atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic region reconstructed from lake sediments"

MSc. MARTHE GJERDE disputerer for ph.d.-graden. Avhandlingens tittel: "Holocene variations in atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic region reconstructed from lake sediments".Opponent: Professor, ph.d. Eric Leonard, Colorado College, USA. Opponent: Førsteamanuensis, ph.d. Lena Håkansson, Universitetssenteret på Svalbard (UNIS). Øvrig medlem i komiteen: Førsteamanuensis, dr.scient. Henriette C. Linge, Institutt for geovitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen. Leder av disputasen: Professor Gunn Mangerud, Universitetet i Bergen

21.06.2016 11:15 - 21.06.2016 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: "On the meridional structure of the northward ocean heat transport"

Aleksi Nummelin (GFI) will give a talk "On the meridional structure of the northward ocean heat transport".

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21.06.2016 14:00 - 22.06.2016 16:00
NERSC and Hotel Neptun

ECRA/BCCR Workshop on Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts

The ECRA/BCCR Workshop on "Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts", 21-22 June 2016 in Bergen. Day 1 is open to all interested. Follow link for program.

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23.06.2016 14:15
Place: Pal Strat Kurssal

Paleoseminar: Surface exposure dating and numerical modeling of Rocky Mountain paleoglaciers - insights into the climate of the last glaciation and deglaciation

Paleoseminar 23. june with Professor Eric Leonard Title: Surface exposure dating and numerical modeling of Rocky Mountain paleoglaciers - insights into the climate of the last glaciation and deglaciation

27.06.2016 11:15 - 27.06.2016 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: "Variable glacial signature of Southern Ocean intermediate waters in the central South Pacific: Implications for the subsurface transfer of southern climatic signals"

Speaker: Raúl Tapia,GEOMAR. Title: "Variable glacial signature of Southern Ocean intermediate waters in the central South Pacific: Implications for the subsurface transfer of southern climatic signals". Raul is a guest of Bjørg.

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