UN Ocean Decade: The science we need for the healthy fjords we want
What are the challenges and opportunities to implementing the vision of the UN Ocean Decade for fjord ecosystems?
Fjord ecosystems experience increasing climate change impacts, including changes in freshwater input, warming, oxygen loss, and acidification.
We bring together scientific experts on fjord ecosystems from different regions of the world with leaders from policy and industry to share experiences and build better understanding of the challenges and opportunities for sustainable management of fjords.
The event is digital, and you will receive a streaming link by email closer to the event.
Les merConferment Ceremony for Honorary Doctors at UiB, including Fiamma Straneo
For invited guests. (Any available spaces will be announced.)
Les merGuest lecture: Frontiers in Biodiversity, Dynamics and Management of Methane Seeps
Speaker: Lisa A. Levin, Distinguished Professor of Biological Oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.
Guest lecture: "An oceanographer's journey to the edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet through collaborative, inclusive, interdisciplinary science”
Lecture by Honorary Doctor at UiB Fiamma Straneo (Scripps/UCSD).
Carbon System meeting on Marine Ecosystem Modelling
We’ll be focusing on marine ecosystem modelling, in anticipation of the KLIMAFORSK 2023 call on effects of climate change on nature and society. We will be having coffee and tea for all of you.
We will be having presentations from:
Friederike Fröb (NorESM)
Morten Skogen (NORWECOM)
Annette Samuelsen (HYCOM-ECOSMO)
Filippa Fransner (NorCPM)
Cecilie Hansen (special guest from IMR, she works with the Atlantis ecosystem model)
Francois Counillon (parameter estimation).
And a bit of discussion on the topic to see if we can identify some ideas for proposals.
The meeting will take place in the seminar room, 4th floor GFI west wing. We will run it as a hybrid meeting, since Annette is in Oslo this week and will participate remotely.
Seminar talk: The impact of anthropogenic forcing on the Southern Ocean CO2 sink
Name of speaker: Precious Mongwe, affiliation: CSIR
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Disputas: Tobias Zolles.
Title: « Surface mass balance modeling of the Greenland ice sheet - Sensitivity and uncertainty of the energy balance model BESSI»
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BCCR cross-theme seminar about ‘Isotopes as tool in climate research’
Monday, 20th June, at 14:15 pm will be a BCCR cross-theme seminar about ‘Isotopes as tool in climate research’.
The seminar will take place in the Bjerknes lecture room (4th floor, room 4020) – in addition, there will be the possibility to join on zoom
The cross-theme seminar will feature three separate talks:
- Alena Dekhtyareva : Water cycle through stable water isotopes: tracing atmospheric processes at different timescales
- Johanna Marquardt: Clumped isotope thermometry reveals dramatic changes in deep ocean temperatures during the early Eocene
- Margit Simon: Isotope applications in archeological cave settings- a Bjerknes Fast-track initiative pilot study from South Africa
Boklansering: BokBistro: hva er KLIMA
Klimaet påvirker livsvilkårene for all levende natur på jorden. Det er et sammensatt system som inkluderer alt fra vinder som kan snu på sekundet til istider som dukker opp med 100 000 års mellomrom. Hva er KLIMA gir en engasjert og tilgjengelig introduksjon til dette livsviktige temaet, og nå kommer den endelig i en oppdatert annen utgave.
Forfatterne tar leseren med fra det helt nære og daglige, til de langsomme, store endringene - fra norsk sommersol til isen som har dekket Antarktis i mange millioner år. Nøkkelen til å forstå fortidige, nåtidige og fremtidige endringer i klima, er nettopp disse komplekse samspillene over tid og sted.
Klimaet er i endring, og dette er en av de absolutt største utfordringene i vår tid. hva er KLIMA gir leseren innsikt i klimaprosessene, hva vi vet, hvordan vi kan vite det og hvor vi går herfra.
Kampen Bistro, Oslo – 22. juni, kl. 19.00. Øyvind Paasche og Erik Kolstad intervjues av forfatter og fysiker Anja Røyne.
Les merChris Hewitt Webinar on Climate Services
Professor Chris Hewitt will introduce the topic of climate services, briefly covering what they are, who is involved (the landscape and ‘value chain’ including who is developing, providing and using them). Examples of work that he and his group have been undertaking in the UK Met Office with partners around the world will be given. Key challenges and some approaches to overcome some of the challenges will be given.
Chris Hewitt is a Professor of Climate Science at the University of Southern Queensland in Australia and Head of International Climate Services at the UK Met Office. Chris collaborates worldwide to help evolve the climate services landscape ensuring pull-through of science to services for societal benefit and guiding science developments to be aligned to societal needs. He has been central to developing the UN’s Global Framework for Climate Services, leads European climate service projects, and co-chairs WMO Expert Teams.
When: 11am CEST, 28 June. Register below to be e-mailed the Zoom link.
Påmelding: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=12948909