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<  September 2015  >

07.09.2015 11:15
GFI East Wing Auditorium

Fifty Years of Fascination, Fun, Fulfilment, Frustration, and Failure in Scientific Research

John Birks, Department of Biology and BCCR, University of Bergen, and Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London
will give the talk "Fifty Years of Fascination, Fun, Fulfilment, Frustration, and Failure in Scientific Research"

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10.09.2015 12:15 - 10.09.2015 13:00
Place: Pal strat kurssal, 2nd floor Realfagbygget

Paleoseminar: Time series analysis around the Indo-Australian monsoon

This Thursday, September 10th, we will have a paleoseminar at Geo, where Dr Thomas Stemler of the University of Western Australia will talk about time series analysis around the Indo-Australian monsoon.
Thomas Stemler is a guest of Johannes Werner.

Time: September 10th, 12:15-13:00
Place: Pal strat kurssal, 2nd floor Realfagbygget

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17.09.2015 14:15 - 17.09.2015 15:00
Pal strat kurssal, 2nd floor Realfagbygget, Allegaten 41

Paleoseminar: Spatial patterns of hydrological changes in Europe during the Younger Dryas

Thursday September 17th we will have a paleoseminar at Geo, where Dirk Sachse, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, will talk about hydrological changes in Europe during the Younger Dryas.

Spatial patterns of hydrological change during the onset of the Younger
Dryas along a W-E gradient over the European continent - insights from
decadal resolved lacustrine lipid biomarker D/H ratios

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23.09.2015 15:00
Palstratsalen, Geo, Realfagbygget, Allegt 41

The International Quaternary Webinar: "Developing North Pacific Ocean Pliocene-Pleistocene records in order to understand Antarctic and Arctic teleconnections."

The International Quaternary Webinar September 23, 15:00 in Palstratsalen
will feature Dr. Molly Patterson from UMass-Amherst. Molly's talk is

"Developing North Pacific Ocean Pliocene-Pleistocene records in order to
understand Antarctic and Arctic teleconnections."

The meeting can be accessed here:

The meeting number is 30645682.

24.09.2015 14:15 - 24.09.2015 15:00
Pal strat kurssal, 2nd floor Realfagbygget

Paleoseminar "Forward to square one: New models for ice sheet dynamics"

Thursday September 24th we will have a paleoseminar at Geo, where Andreas Born will give a talk about ice sheet modeling. Andreas obtained his PhD at UiB supervised by Kerim Nisancioglu. He is now at the University of Bern where he is working on ocean and ice-sheet modelling.

Dr. Andreas Born
Climate and Environmental Physics
Institute of Physics
University of Bern

28.09.2015 11:15
GFI East Wing Auditorium

"South Georgia glacier variability over the past millennium in a Southern Ocean climate context”.

On Monday, at 11.15, Willem van der Bilt (GEO) will present "South Georgia glacier variability over the past millennium in a Southern Ocean climate context”.

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30.09.2015 12:00
Bergen Kino, Magnus Barfot MB1.

Bjerknesdagen 2015

Onsdag 30. september inviterer vi til en ettermiddag med film og populærvitenskapelige foredrag fra klimaforskningen. I samarbeid med Bergen internasjonale filmfestival (BIFF) starter vi dagen med å vise dokumentaren Ice & Sky av Luc Jacquet.
Etter filmen byr vi på et program med seks populærvitenskaplige foredrag knyttet til iskjerner, havobservasjon, framtidsklima og flommer i dag og i fortiden

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