Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
til nytte for samfunnet.

<  December 2015  >

01.12.2015 11:30
GFI East Wing Auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Unforced Southern Ocean deep convection as a driver of millennial-scale Antarctic warming

TUESDAY at 13.15, Joel Pedro (NBI, København Universitet) will present ""Unforced Southern Ocean deep convection as a driver of
millennial-scale Antarctic warming". Joel is a guest of Kerim/Camille.

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02.12.2015 08:30 - 02.12.2015 10:00
Grand Bergen, Nedre Ole Bulls plass 1

Fossilfri by i 2050. Hvordan?

I 2050 skal det ikke brukes olje, kull eller gass til transport eller oppvarming av bygg i Bergen. Det er målet i Bergen kommunes grønne strategi som er ute på høring. Men hvordan skal Bergen bli en fossilfri by? I samarbeid med Klimaforum inviterer vi til frokostmøte. Klimaforum er eit samarbeid mellom Bergen Næringsråd, Bergen kommune og Bjerknessenteret. Møtet er gratis for alle

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02.12.2015 14:15 - 02.12.2015 15:00
Lecture room, Ground Floor, NERSC

NERSC Seminar: Combining oil- and larve-drift simulations - results from the SeaMan project

Speaker: Annette Samuelsen
Affiliation: NERSC
Abstract will follow

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02.12.2015 15:00 - 02.12.2015 16:00
Pal.Strat.Salen, 2 floor, Department of Earth science

International Quaternary Webinar: The World's Only Active Drumlin Field: Múlajökull, Iceland

After the Thanksgiving break we are back on track with the International Quaternary Webinar:

Who: Dr. Mark Johnson, Institution: University of Gothenburg
What: The World's Only Active Drumlin Field: Múlajökull, Iceland
When: 15:00 the 2 of December
Where: Pal.Strat.Salen, 2 floor, Department of Earth science

For remote access:
Subject: Dec. 2nd International Quaternary Webinar
Date: 12/2/2015, Meeting ID 31349782, Meeting URL:

Hope to see many of you there!

07.12.2015 11:15 - 07.12.2015 12:00
Foredragssalen, GFI

BCCR/GFI Seminar: "The Norwegian Young Sea Ice Cruise (N-ICE 2015)- Overview and some results"

On Monday (7/12), we have a BCCR/GFI seminar at 11.15 in Foredragssalen by Harald Steen (project leader of N-ICE 2015): "The Norwegian Young Sea Ice Cruise (N-ICE 2015)- Overview and some results". Harald is a guest of Lars Henrik

07.12.2015 12:00
UNESCO Pavilion at COP21 (Climate generations spaces) and the UNESCO headquarters

COP21: Quest for Global Sustainability

During COP21 in Paris, the Bjerknes Centre will together with UNESCO, Global Justice Program at Yale University and Comparative Research Programme on Poverty at UiB, organise an event on December 7th. The event takes place at the UNESCO pavilion at COP21 and the UNESCO headquarters. The main objective is to present and discuss our obligations to reduce climate changes, especially by focusing on the newly adopted Oslo principles.

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09.12.2015 15:00
Pal.Strat.Salen, 2 floor Department of Earth science

International Quaternary Webinar: Carl Regnell - ELA reconstructions of Holocene moraines in northern Sweden

Who: Carl Regnell, University of Gothenburg
What: ELA reconstructions of Holocene moraines in northern Sweden
When: Wednesday the 9 of December, at 15:00
Where: Pal.Strat.Salen, 2 floor Department of Earth science

For remote access:
Meeting ID: 31418382
Join Online Meeting:
Join by phone: Dial phone number and enter the Meeting ID when prompted
• Toll: +1 201-479-4595
• Dialing Internationally? Visit

14.12.2015 11:15 - 14.12.2015 12:00
GFI East wing auditorium

BCCR/GFI Seminar: Calculating the world for 100 years - A science history project about GFI

On Monday (14/12), we have a BCCR/GFI seminar at 11.15 by PhD Gunnar Ellingsen (AHKR, UiB): Calculating the world for 100 years - A science history project about GFI. Gunnar is a guest of Nils Gunnar. The seminar will take place in the Auditorium.

16.12.2015 13:30
Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Juss 2,

Debrief Cop21: Did the Climate Conference in Paris meet the expectations?

Tore Furevik, Director of the Bjerknes Centre and professor of physical
oceanography at the Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, has
attended the Climate Conference in Paris this December. Has the conference
met the expectations of the researchers on the climate field?

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17.12.2015 11:00 - 17.12.2015 11:30
Cinema, Ground Floor, NERSC

Nersc seminar: Nansen-Cloud

Speakers: Morten W. Hansen, Anton Korosov.
We introduce a concept called a Scientific Platform as a Service (SPaaS) to aid the management and synergistic use of EO data within the Nansen Group of research centers in Norway, Russia, China, Bangladesh, India, and South Africa. We present a prototype implementation of the SPaaS (the Nansen-Cloud), which handles data from satellite remote sensing but also in-situ and model data. The Nansen-Cloud can be understood as an advanced cloud client providing the integration of scientific tools, algorithms, data stored at various locations, and various data catalogs, via an application programming interface (API). This should allow users to work on their local desktops, using local CPU with integration to cloud systems to analyze the EO data using, e.g., Nansat. In this manner, the SPaaS will allow the users to focus on the scientific research without bothering where the data is stored or its format, nor the maintenance of the infrastructure or the software.

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17.12.2015 12:15 - 17.12.2015 13:00
Pal strat kurssal, 2nd floor Realfagbygget

Paleoseminar: Late Pleistocene history of the West Siberian Arctic. The main sedimentary formations and their implication for reconstructing the ice sheet history.

Who: Dr. Dmitry Nazarov, Saint Petersburg State University,Institute of Earth Science. Title: Late Pleistocene history of the West Siberian Arctic. The main sedimentary formations and their implication for reconstructing the ice sheet history.