Ellen Margrete Grong
Administrative support
Editor of internal newsletter "Bjerknes Times"
Seniorkonsulent / Senior Executive Officer
Secretariat of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Jahnebakken 5, 5007 Bergen
E-mail: ellen.grong@uib.no
Phone: 55589803
BCCR/GFI Seminar: The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector
BCCR/GFI Seminar: The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector
31.10.2017, 10:08
The link between eddy-driven jet variability and weather regimes in the North Atlantic-European sector
BCCR/GFI Seminar: The Cenozoic greenhouse-icehouse transition: Tipping points and pathways of heat in the climate system
BCCR/GFI Seminar: The Cenozoic greenhouse-icehouse transition: Tipping points and pathways of heat in the climate system
16.10.2017, 09:48
The Cenozoic greenhouse-icehouse transition: Tipping points and pathways of heat in the climate system