Understanding climate
for the benefit of society

Helene Langehaug

Utdannet oseanograf; tok doktorgrad i fysisk oseanografi ved Universitet i Bergen i 2011. Ansatt som forsker på Nansensenteret for miljø og fjernmåling siden 2012. Fokusområder er variabilitet og mekanismer i havet som kan gi prediktabilitet i Nord-Atlanteren og De nordiske hav. Hovedverktøyet i forskningen er globale klimamodeller.



Doctoral degree in physical oceanography at the University of Bergen in 2011. Employed as a research scientist at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center since 2012. My research focus on the understanding of Subpolar Gyre dynamics, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and water mass structure and transformation in climate models. I am particularly interested in those mechanisms that give rise to predictability on interannual-to-decadal time scales in the North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas. Main tool in my research is analysis and inter-comparison of global climate models (CMIP5 models).


Forsker / Researcher

Nansensenteret / Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

Jahnebakken 3, Bergen

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E-mail: helene.langehaug@nersc.no

Phone: 46 54 36 85