Mahaut de Vareilles
I completed a Master’s between CIMA, UAlg and GEOTOP, UQAM (Canada) with the following dissertation : «Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in recent sediments from the Guadiana river estuary, South-East Portugal» (applications in ecology and paleoclimate). My research line then changed and I did a PhD in Nutrition in Aquaculture, with the thesis title «Dietary nitrogen utilisation and protein expression in fish», between CCMAR, UAlg and HiB, UiB (Norway). My main research topics are fish physiology and protein metabolism, but also more generally, sustainability in Aquaculture.
Within the Bjerknes Centre, I currently do not perform any scientific research but work as a research project manager for the projects listed below. A part from the eye-opening experience of living the other side of scientific projects (administration vs research), the projects’ topics and their international and interdisciplinary aspects are the main motivation for me.
Current projects:
- EU FP7 project PREFACE - Enhancing prediction of Tropical Atlantic climate and its impacts. Scientific and Administrative Project Manager
- NordForsk project GREENICE - Impacts of sea-ice and snow cover changes on climate, green growth and society. Assistant Scientific and Administrative Project Manager
- NFR (NorKlima) project EPOCASA - Enhancing seasonal-to-decadal prediction of climate for the North Atlantic sector and Arctic. Assistant Scientific and Administrative Project Manager
More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)
Forskningsrådgiver / Research Adviser
Geofysisk institutt, UiB / Geophysical Institute, UiB
Allegt. 70
Phone: 55 58 37 08