Spots of green in the Arctic
29.01.2024, 15:35
While the Arctic tundra loses color as the permafrost thaws, cities are greening.
29.01.2024, 15:35
While the Arctic tundra loses color as the permafrost thaws, cities are greening.
20.11.2023, 14:45
DYNASOR seeks to understand the depths of a key region for the global climate system.
14.06.2023, 15:52
Storms striking at times of high tides have sent the sea through Norwegian streets the last decades. If the same weather had passed another day, the sea could have risen higher, a new study suggests.
30.05.2023, 15:27
Is there a connection between reduced sea ice in the Arctic and waves of cold weather over northern Eurasia? The scientific community has debated this for over a decade. Bjerknes Centre researchers now propose a framework to bridge the alternate views.
22.05.2023, 13:14
I en ny artikkel viser en gruppe forskere at det er mulig å varsle mengden planteplankton i Barentshavet fem år fram i tid. Nøkkelen ligger i havstrømmene som bringer med seg varme og næringssalter.
17.03.2023, 13:31
HRH Crown Prince Haakon of Norway visited the Bjerknes Centre to learn more about our research – and to check the snow he sampled himself in Greenland last summer.
19.01.2023, 13:16
The North Atlantic Ocean oscillates between warm and cool decades. A century is too short to show why. Climate models and old seashells will extend the measurement series to the Viking age.
31.05.2022, 16:00
If the sea rises one meter, will five centimeters more or less matter? That depends on where you are. Climate researchers develop methods for more precise projections of sea level rise in Northern Europe.
27.04.2022, 13:37
When a fishing vessel sets course for Bear Island, the captain knows only which areas are ice-covered now, not where the ice will be tomorrow. In a few years, sea ice predictions will make routing easier and safer.
22.03.2022, 18:19
In a large-scale airplane campaign researchers will follow water molecules from take-off till landing.
30.09.2021, 16:25
In the last decades, little sea ice in the Arctic in fall has been associated with cold winters in Europe. A new study signals little reason to prepare for frosty nights and heavy snow, despite less than normal ice in the north.
04.05.2021, 14:50
Limit global warming to 1.5°C and halve the land ice contribution to sea level this century
02.12.2020, 13:27
As the ice was retreating at the end of the ice age, the melting was suddenly interrupted. A cold period of more than a thousand years followed.
23.11.2020, 17:15
Ocean currents have brought more heat into the northern seas after 2001. The northern extension of the Gulf Stream has warmed and probably also strengthened.
12.11.2020, 14:17
When the last ice age was over, a large glacier covering the 1000 meter deep Hardangerfjord collapsed. These events at the end of the ice age in Norway, resemble what we are about to witness in today’s Greenland.
10.11.2020, 08:24
Widespread sea ice decline within 250 years unleashed abrupt climate change during the last glacial period. A new study documents that the cause of the severity of the changes resides in the ocean.
03.11.2020, 19:53
The jet stream is a highway for cyclones, while the sea ice edge has been thought to be a fuel station. Erica Madonnas new study shows that the fuel for cyclones is not simply linked to the ice edge.
24.10.2020, 15:46
You have very likely heard about the Gulf Stream. The Iceland-Faroe Slope Jet, you have never heard of. This current is the newest one on the map.
05.10.2020, 12:38
Exceptionally large export of sea ice through the 1300 might have triggered the onset of the Little Ice Age. Such abnormal behaviour might happen "out of the blue" from internal variability within the climate system, Martin Miles and colleagues suggests in a new study.
Unormalt store mengder sjøis i drift sørover i byrjinga av 1300-tallet kan ha satt i gang den vesle istida, og viser eit nytt studie. Tilfeldige og spontane klimaendringar kan vere grunnen til at det kom så mykje is – som igjen sette i gang mange hundre år med kulde i Europa.
17.09.2020, 10:48
New projections of the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on Greenland and Antarctica’s role in sea level rise, gives estimations beyond the amount that has already been set in motion by Earth’s warming climate.