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Øyvind Paasche

Øyvind Paasche is the Head of the Climate Dynamics Department at NORCE and Senior Scientist. He has a long-term interest in past and present climate change and dynamics, especially at high latitudes. During later years, he has developed a keen interest in how scientific data is handled, used and understood by stakeholders and policymakers.

Paasche is also the Head of Innovation at Climate Futures as well as affiliated with the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research. He has authored and co-authored over 40 studies in international peer-reviewed journals, co-edited the book The New Arctic, published by Springer. He has also co-authored a book on how the climate system works called What is Climate? (in Norwegian) together with Erik Kolstad as well as being a contributing author to the 4th IPPC report (The Physical Science Basis).

Paasche has led several projects including Ocean Outlook (2016-20), Hordaflom (2017-2021), and Advanced Climate Education and Research (2018-2022) and was a member of Seasonal Forecasting Engine (2018-2021). Ongoing projects include the new research-driven innovation centre, Climate Futures (2020-2028) and ArcticPassion (2021-2026). Paasche is part of the team running the well-known summer school Advanced Climate Dynamics Courses (ACDC) and is currently the Chair of the Scientific Steering Committee for the large international initiative Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS).


  1. The New Arctic (2015). Eds. B. Evengård, J. Nymand Larsen and Ø. Paasche. Springer, Zürich, pp. 339.
  2. What is Climate? (2022, 2edition). Erik Kolstad and Øyvind Paasche. University Press, Oslo, 160 pp. (in Norwegian)

International peer-reviewed papers:

Huoa, R., Lu, L., Engeland, K., Xu, C-Y., Chen, H., Paasche, Ø., & Guoa, S. (2022). Changing flood dynamics in Norway since the last millennium and to the end of the 21st century, Journal of Hydrology 613(1–4):128331,

Paasche, Ø. & Österblom, H. (2022). The Utopia of a Sustainable Planet. Elephant in the Lab. 

Österblom, H. & Paasche, Ø. (2021). Earth altruism, One earth, Vol 4, 1386-1397

Bakke, J., Paasche, Ø., Schaefer, J.M., & Timmermann, A. (2021). Long-term demise of sub-Antarctic glaciers modulated by the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies, Scientific Reports, 11 (8361),

Engeland, K., Aano, A., Steffensen, I., Støren, E., and Paasche, Ø. (2020) New flood frequency estimates for the largest river in Norway based on the combination of short and long time series, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24(11):5595-5619,

Stenseth, N.C. Payne, M.R., Bonsdorff, E., Dankel, D.J., Durant, J.M., Anderson, L.G., Armstrong, C.W., Blenckner, T., Brakstad, A., Dupont, S., Eikeset, A.M., Goksøyr, A., Jónsson, S., Kuparinen, A., Våge, K., Österblom, H., and Paasche, Ø. (2020). Attuning to the changing ocean. PNAS, 117 (34) 20363-20371;

Lane, T. P., Paasche, Ø., Kvisvik, B., Adamson, K. R., Rodés, Á., Patton, H., Gomez, N., Gheorghiu, D., Bakke, J., and Hubbard, A. (2020). Elevation changes of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet interior during the last deglaciation. Geophysical Research Letters,

Johansson, F.E., Bakke, J., Støren, E.N., Paasche, Ø., Engeland, K., Arnaud, F. (2020). Lake Sediments Reveal Large Variations in Flood Frequency Over the Last 6,500 Years in South-Western Norway. Frontiers in Earth Science,

Wittmeier, H.E., Schaefer, J.M., Bakke, J., Rupper, S., Paasche, Ø., Schwartz, R., and Finkel, R.C. (2020). Late Glacial mountain glacier culmination in Arctic Norway prior to the Younger Dryas, Quaternary Science Reviews 245:106461, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106461

Paasche, Ø., et al. (2019), Addressing Arctic challenges requires a synoptic ocean survey, Eos, 100,

Paasche, Ø., Österblom, H. (2019). Unsustainable Science. One Earth

Kolstad, E.W., Sofienlund, O.N., Kvamsås, H., Stiller-Reeve, M.A., Neby, S., Paasche, Ø., Pontoppidan, M., Sobolowski, S.P., Haarstad, H., Oseland, S.E., Omdahl, L., and Waage, S. (2019). Trials, errors and improvements in co-production of climate services. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society.

Paasche, Ø. & Åkesson, H. (2019). Let’s Start Teaching Scientists How to Withstand Attacks on Fact. Eos, 100,

Nilsson, A.E., Carson, M., Cost,D.S., Forbes, B.C., Haavisto, R., Karlsdottir, A., Nymand Larsen, J., Paasche, Ø., Sarkki, S., Vammen Larsen, S., & Pelyasov, A. (2019)Towards improved participatory scenario methodologies in the Arctic, Polar Geography, DOI: 10.1080/1088937X.2019.1648583

Oppedal, L.T., Bakke, J., Paasche, Ø., Werner, J.P., van der Bilt, W.G.M. (2018).Cirque Glacier on South Georgia Shows Centennial Variability over the Last 7000 Years. Frontiers in earth science,

Paasche, Ø. & Bonsdorff, E. (2017). The wicked ocean. Ambio,

Van der Bilt, W.G.M., Bakke, J., Werner, J., Paasche, Ø., Rosqvist, G., Vatle, S. (2017). Late Holocene glacier reconstruction reveals retreat behind present limits and two-stage Little Ice Age on subantarctic South Georgia. Journal of Quaternary Science, DOI: 10.1002/jqs.2937.

Støren, E.W.N., Paasche, Ø., Hirt, A.M. and Kumari, M. (2016). Magnetic and geochemical signatures of flood layers in a lake system. G3, doi: 10.1002/2016GC006540.

Vasskog, K., Kvisvik, B. and Paasche, Ø. (2016). Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on measurements of lake sediment grain-size distribution. Journal of Paleolimnology, doi: 10.1007/s10933-016-9924-0.

Paasche, Øyvind; Österblom, Henrik; Neuenfeldt, Stefan; Bonsdorff, Erik; Brander, Keith M.; Conley, Daniel; Durant, Joel Marcel; Eikeset, Anne Maria; Goksøyr, Anders; Jónsson, Steingrímur; Kjesbu, Olav Sigurd; Kuparinen, Anna; Stenseth, Nils Christian. (2015): Connecting the Seas of Norden. Nature Climate Change. 5: 89-92. doi: 10.1038/nclimate2471

Kvisvik, B., Paasche, Ø., and Dahl, S.O. (2015): Holocene cirque glacier activity in Rondane, Southern Norway. Geomorphology, 246, 433-444.

Paasche, Ø., Bakke, J. (2015): The fleeting glaciers of the Arctic. In: The New Arctic [Eds. B. Evengård, J. Nymand Larsen and Ø. Paasche], Springer, Zürich.

Evengård, B., Nymand Larsen, J. and Paasche, Ø. (2015): Paths to the new Arctic. In: The New Arctic [Eds. B. Evengård, J. Nymand Larsen and Ø. Paasche], Springer, Zürich.

Paasche, Ø. and Støren, E.N. (2014): How Does Climate Impact Floods? Closing the Knowledge Gap. EOS 95, 253-255.

Støren, E.N. and Paasche, Ø. (2014): Scandinavian floods: From past observations to future trends. Global and Planetary Change 113, 34-43.

Vasskog, K., Paasche, Ø., Nesje, A., Boyle, J.F., Birks, H.J.B. (2012): A new approach for reconstructing glacier variability based on lake sediments recording input from more than one glacier. Quaternary Research 77, 192-204.

Støren, E.N., Kolstad, E., Paasche, Ø. (2012): Linking past flood frequencies in Norway to regional atmospheric circulation anomalies. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 71-80.

Strømsøe, J.R., Paasche, Ø. (2011): Weathering Patterns in High-Latitude Regolith. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Science, 116, doi: 10.1029/2010JF001954

Dahlø Janbu, A., Paasche, Ø., Talbot, M. (2011): Paleoclimatic changes inferred from stable isotopes and magnetic properties of organic rich lacustrine sediments in Arctic Norway. Journal of Paleolimnology 46, 29-44.

Paasche, Ø., (2011).Cirque glaciers, In: Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. V.P. Singh, P. Singh, U.K. Haritashya (eds.). Springer.

Bakke, J., Paasche, Ø., (2011). Sediment core and glacial environment reconstruction, In: Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. V.P. Singh, P. Singh, U.K. Haritashya (eds.). Springer.

Paasche, Ø., Løvlie, R. (2011): Synchronized Post-Glacial Colonization of Magnetotactic Bacteria. Geology 39, 75-78.

Støren, E.N., Dahl, S.O., Nesje, A., Paasche, Ø. (2010): Identifying the sedimentary imprint of high-frequency Holocene river floods in lake sediments: Development and application of a new method. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, 3021-3033.

Yde, J.C., Paasche, Ø. (2010): Reconstructing climate changes: Not all glaciers suitable. EOS 91, 189-190.

Paasche, Ø., Larsen, J. (2010): Changes in lake stratification and oxygen distribution inferred from two contrasting records of Magnetotactic Bacteria and Diatoms. JGR – Geobiosciences 115, doi:10.1029/2009JG001081.

Bakke, J., Dahl, S.O., Paasche, Ø., Riis-Simonsen, J., Kvisvik, B., Bakke, K., Nesje, A. (2010): Improving Holocene glacier reconstructions by combining analyzes of lake sediments with independently dated moraines. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 1246-1262.

Paasche, Ø., Dahl, S.O., Bakke, J., Løvlie, R. (2007): Cirque glacier activity in arctic Norway during the last deglaciation. Quaternary Research 68, 387-399.

Jansen, E. et al. [including Paasche, Ø.], (2007): Paleoclimate: In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group 1 to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

Paasche, Ø., Dahl, S.O., Løvlie, R., Bakke, J., Nesje, A. (2007): Rockglacier activity during the last glacial-interglacial transition and Holocene spring snowmelting. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 793-807.

Paasche, Ø., Strømsøe, J.R., Dahl, S.O., Linge, H. (2006): Weathering Characteristics of Arctic Islands in Northern Norway. Geomorphology 82, 430-452.

Lie, Ø. and Paasche, Ø., (2006): How extreme was the Northern Hemisphere seasonality during the Younger Dryas? Quaternary Science Reviews 25, 404-407.

Larsen J., Paasche, Ø., Andersen D.O., Bjune A.E., and de la Riva Caballero A., (2006): Sedimentary diatom assemblages in a small alpine west Norwegian lake: Evidence for metal release and precipitation? Eighteenth International Diatom Symposium (A. Witkowski, ed.), pp.221-234.

Bakke, J., Dahl, S.O., Paasche, Ø., Løvlie, R., Nesje, A., (2005): Glacier fluctuations, equilibrium-line altitudes and paleoclimate in Lyngen, northern Norway, during the Lateglacial and Holocene. The Holocene 15, 518-540.

Bakke, J., Lie, Ø., Nesje, A., Dahl, S. O. and Paasche, Ø., (2005): Utilizing physical sediment variability in glacier-fed lakes for continuous glacier reconstructions during the Holocene, Folgefonna, Western Norway. The Holocene, 15, 161-176.

Paasche, Ø., Løvlie, R., Dahl, S.O., Bakke, J., Nesje, A., (2004): Bacterial magnetite in lake sediments: late glacial to Holocene climate and sedimentary changes in northern Norway. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 223, 319-333.

Head of the Climate Dynamics Department at NORCE and Senior Scientist


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