Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
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Stephanie Mayer

My principle research interests lie in the field of atmospheric modeling and observational techniques with focus on processes in the lower troposphere. I have previously worked on the evaluation of planetary boundary layer schemes embedded in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model WRF using observations from the unmanned aerial system SUMO. Recently, I have worked within the field of regional climate modeling, including dynamical downscaling of new CMIP5 GCM outputs, and on the evaluation of such downscaling products. My future research plans are to further develop my understanding of atmospheric processes on regional to local scale and to build upon my existing skills in regional modeling.

Forsker II / Researcher II

NORCE Klima / NORCE Climate

Jahnebakken 5, 5007 Bergen

Profile picture for user Stephanie Mayer


Phone: 56 10 75 38