Bjerknessenterets mål er å forstå klima
til nytte for samfunnet.

Lars Asplin

I am working on physical processes in fjords and the carrying capacity of
the ecosystem especially in terms of aquaculture. Important for this is
the variability of currents for dispersion of pathogenes, pollution and
water quality properties, and the variability of temperature for
determination of biological growth. It is necessary to understand the
variability of todays climate in order to evaluate the influence of a
future climate change. I use both coupled physical-biological numerical
models and collect field data in my work.

More information in national current research information system (CRIStin)

Forsker / Researcher

Havforskningsinstituttet / Institute of Marine Research

Institute of Marine Research
Nordnesgate 50, PO Box 1870 Nordnes
5817 Bergen

Profile picture for user Lars Asplin


Phone: 99 40 48 71